Stability fix and major gameplay update
/The 6th patch brings AI and gameplay mechanics improvements that provide enhanced realism and challenge. Furthermore, we have refactored the rendering code that previously caused freezes and CTD.
Ultimate General: Gettysburg Patch 0.85
- Revamped rendering engine at least partially fixing issues of crashes on launch, random freezes and CTD during gameplay. The new render may also increase FPS performance. We advise to all users that reported crashes on launch or prolonged play before to test how this rendering fix works.
- Generals have improved appearance and are more distinguishable.
When you zoom out, the General's icons are bigger and bolder comparing to normal units. When you zoom in (See below), the icons' size becomes normal and you notice the new special appearance of the Generals.
- Corrected the new animated 3D menu image to have more proper colors.
- Preview map now has Blue/Red/Grey indications of objectives (instead of the previous blurry flags) and the visible size of units is more accurate.
It is now clearer to see the objective points in the preview map.
- Balances in morale to be more resilient in normal conditions, but fragile against flank/rear attacks.
- AI is now much more active in attack & defense in all personalities. AI will not hesitate to attack weak spots of you army, charge and try to gain superiority. If AI defends it will actively reinforce areas that need support.
- Increased AI flanking, especially for mobile AI characters.
- Units create continuous formation lines much better than before.
- Improved AI cavalry. AI cavalry will try to support army more instead of attacking isolated batteries.
- Improved battle pace and gameplay mechanics. There should be enough time to decide about your assaults, re-deploy your army, monitor situations while you enjoy watching the battle.
- Terrain benefits or penalties intensified.
- Fatigue penalties for running and charging intensified. You can no longer use unhistorical tactics of rushing forward your units all the time with the same success. As a result, hasty offensive actions will have significant casualty cost for the attacker.
- Low condition will have more melee penalty. Now it will be possible to break the most powerful unit if it is exhausted.
- Further melee mechanics improvements.
- Slight US/CS combat power for bringing the gameplay to proper challenge level for both sides. Noticeable improvement in combat have the XI corps which were losing condition too fast. Early’s Troops were also overpowered and tireless so they got a slight re-balance.
- Artillery damage rebalanced.
- Pettigrew overpowered volley toned down.
- Confederate CS 2nd Corps can arrive a little later in 1st day.
- Slocum and Stannard reinforcements may delay more to arrive.
- Artillery now is more effective in evading and will sync with your withdrawing lines more successfully. The result is that your artillery can survive and fight back with much less management.
- The army forces bar in the right top corner is now more accurate and represents the fighting strength better.
The colors of the 3D animated menu are improved to fit the art style of the game.
- Minor fixes in texts.
- Some remaining battle flow issues fixed as per feedback.
- Fixed artillery chasing targets with manual targeting. Now when you select artillery you can easily target any enemy. If enemy is not visible because of LoS or Friendly Fire then target is cancelled and the next visible threat is chosen automatically. If there are no visible threats the artillery will not fire or move.
Tip: From now on you will have to manually move your artillery to strategic positions and not click on targets. - Cured distortion of terrain in some areas that made soldiers to disappear, such as near the Cemetery Hill area, or to not be covered properly from houses and trees.
- Fixed various CTD and Freeze issues with the rendering re-code.
Let us know how you find the new gameplay base and if the render fix has made the game more stable for you. We want also to inform you that Beta Multiplayer soon enters the testing phase in our closed forum and we plan to offer the first playable version in the next patch. As always, please share your feedback in our Game-Labs Forum and in Steam Forum.
[IMPORTANT] HotFix for invisible units is now available! Please read: