Patch 1.7 Released!
/After a long time period, we updated the game, improving gameplay and AI according to your latest feedback. AI is much more energetic in attack and more efficient in defense. Several targeting issues have been repaired and lots of other major or minor fixes make the game more stable and enjoyable than ever.
Ground shape and Line of sight issues are fixed so 3D perception is improved and units can target more efficiently in areas such as Round Top
Ultimate General: Gettysburg v1.7 Update
rev.14398 (Single Player) / rev.14406 (Multiplayer)
- Improved targeting. Units will pick best target without micromanagement, especially artillery.
- Various melee fixes/improvements. Infantry will no longer auto-fall back and annoyingly lose its position.
- Improved auto AI lines. No longer too much shifting around. Units will be sufficiently intelligent to handle their lines.
- Artillery less resilient in melee.
- Cavalry more useful, not so vulnerable as before.
- Balances in Ranged combat (toned down artillery effectiveness from High/Medium range and overall more realistic casualty rate).
- Morale fixes (not so fast retreat, overall more manageable condition for tougher/epic battles).
- Increased significantly the damage bonus in flanks/rear for even more tactical battles.
- Units that stand and shoot have increased condition endurance, so their defensive capabilities are more resilient.
- Finalized brigade/terrain visual improvement. Movements, formation appearance, 3D perception of terrain are greatly improved. You feel the battle more realistic now.
- Balanced combat damage/pace to realistic level. You now understand the importance of terrain. You lose badly until you gain the high ground and then it becomes your turn to punish your enemy.
AI is able to adapt much better in all kind of threats and create coherent defensive lines
- Much improved AI attack. AI will press and concentrate on weak spots of player army with efficiency and persistence.
- Enhanced AI defense. AI will be more active in covering weaknesses in formation and defending the high ground.
- AI now understands much better the territory it fights. AI opponents are active and respond to whatever threat you pose to them, in a realistic and challenging manner. The way that each opponent fights is really interesting to explore, in order to unlock multiple different speculative scenarios that probably you had never met.
- AI now will very often attempt to flank. It will make tactical maneuvers to place artillery on high ground and shoot at your flanks.
- AI will fall back if overwhelmed in a much more efficient manner (according to personality). It will prefer to leave ground in order to reform and counter-attack, in order to cause you more casualties.
- AI now plays out the MP scenarios better. You can play vs an AI to really test and improve yourself in multiplayer.
- Fixed AI boost mode that could work the opposite in many aspects. Now it is far more challenging.
- In multiplayer map "Fight for two hills" the CSA have one more battery for better balance.
- In multiplayer map "What if Buford had not held McPherson Hill" the Union reinforcements delay much less, to make both sides fight quite evenly.
- Union reinforcements have reduced possible delays in many battle moments of 1st and 2nd day (Slocum appearance, multiple 2nd Day Union counter-attack scenarios). So the Union will be a much bigger threat in case CSA over-attacks.
- Various text fixes.
- Mac version got a fix in supported resolutions which could result in unstable playing environment for various Mac systems. Maximum resolution for Retina display cannot be utilized anymore but game can alt-tab without previous issues and controls' accuracy is increased 2x.
AI can concentrate firepower on one point of attack to gain superiority as in this image
After gaining territorial superiority the AI will decisively try to advance with well timed charges
We express our gratitude to the following testers who voluntarily helped to improve the patch content :
Koro (Tested persistently the limits of Multi-player gameplay and also helped to maximize difficulty of Single-player)
1st.TN.Reg.Watkins (Thorough reports with videos that helped to shape up Single-player balance and AI)
LyciaPintella (Several Single and Multi-player playthroughs revealed issues that were fixed)
JonnyH13 (Last minute Single and Multi-player tests guaranteed the good state of the patch)
SidChigger (Brief but to the point reports gave a good gameplay direction)
Mr. Mercanto (Limited but helpful participation that assisted to finalize Single-player gameplay)
YueJin (Early beta stage participation with other testers that influenced Multi-player balance)
With this patch we aimed to satisfy all the requests regarding gameplay elements, so you will still enjoy Ultimate General: Gettysburg while we approach the release of our next game.
Your feedback is always appreciated and you can share it in our forums:
Official Forum
Steam Forum
The patch is now available on Steam and MacStore. version is going to be updated ASAP. Till then, some multiplayer glitches and instability are expected when meeting players of this platform. We are sorry for the inconvenience.