Patch v0.78 presents the Battle of Cold Harbor
/The game is now enriched with the Overland Campaign which includes the epic Battle of Cold Harbor and several other smaller engagements. Gradually the civil war battles are fought around complex trench networks that make assaults extremely costly.
On Day 2 of Battle of Cold Harbor, the Union army approaches the Confederates by digging trenches close to their defensive lines.
The Confederate General will have to manage the progressively less resources and defend vs an increasingly stronger enemy, that is now commanded by the aggressive General Grant. The Union General must find a weakness to the impenetrable defenses of General Lee and maintain an army strong enough to continue the war.
The challenge increases with the expanded campaign and thanks to your feedback we have improved a lot the gameplay & AI. Read below the summary of changes:
Patch v0.78 rev19029
- The historical Battle of Cold Harbor for both sides.
- Campaign expanded to Battle of Cold Harbor with 5 extra smaller battles.
The battle of Cold Harbor endures three full days, for day and night, increasing the toll of casualties.
- AI protects its own flanks better and attacks flanks more efficiently by making wider attacking lines.
- Charging decisions of AI should be working less aggressively and more effectively.
- AI presses on holding its ground and objectives much more, becoming an even harder opponent.
- 20 Pdr Parrots' long range damage is increased further.
- Decreased ranged damage penalty for Cover Level above 70%. It was too high before and could also make the AI to have worse decisions.
- Increased cover of some very wide fortifications that were too weak. Feel free to report about issues of specific fortifications to improve more if needed.
- Due to some game mechanics adjustments, melee and retreat should work much better than before, overall.
The Confederates must make a bold attack upon the Union right flank near Magnolia Swamp in order to secure their own left flank.
- Fix for campaign that resulted in weak AI armies in Legendary difficulty mode.
- Fix of timer issues in saved games.
- Fix of potential timer issues in Battles of Gettysburg, Chancellorsville, Stones River, 2nd Manassas and other battles.
- Fix of some bugs that could cause game instability.
- Most in-game text (except the manual) has been refined for the English language. We now prepare for the translation to several other languages.
We thank deeply the following testers who voluntarily helped us to improve this patch:
- Koro
- Col_Kelly
- CSA_Watkins
- Andre Bolkonsky
- Wright29
- Mr. Mercanto
In this image we see part of the Confederate entrenchments at Cold Harbor.