Mid summer status update
/I am very happy with the initial reception of Ultimate General: Gettysburg and would like to thank all fans and visitors for the kind words and support. We are working very hard on getting this game done for you, with even more energy, now that we are sure of your interest.
We continue to improve and research the art and its implementation. Getting it right takes time and we are constantly iterating. Below we share some of the concepts we have already thrown away.
Artwork timeline
This week we finally decided on the underlying technology and style we are going to use for the map and started to replace our old with our new more advanced map, piece by piece into the game build. The following image shows our latest version of Ultimate General: Gettysburg graphics. It is still work in progress so you can expect even more visual improvements in the future.
Latest promo art
The biggest progress has been made in gameplay as 80% of the game’s data base and feature list have been finalized. We can now focus more in unit graphics, animations and effects improvements and we are very close to complete our special arrow drawing technology that will create a unique feel to the battle from the general’s perspective.
On the programming side we are currently working on multiple fronts and our current priorities are:
- AI personalities
- General gameplay improvements
- Battle flow (from day to day)
- General bug fixing and performance optimizations
If you are interested to learn more, head to Tim Stone’s article at www.RockPaperShotgun.com to read my first online interview about the game.