Patch v0.96 providing last hot fixes
/Dear Generals,
Thanks to your great help, we have already offered various small patches that improved and fixed several aspects of the game. The new update provides a few more improvements and prepares the ground for the end of Early Access and the final full release of Ultimate General: Civil War.
Ultimate General: Civil War v0.96 rev20045
- Fixed bugs that caused AI blobbing or delaying too much to separate its units. These fixes should increase AI efficiency significantly.
- Improved AI artillery management. AI should deploy artillery to better firing distances and target player units with more efficiency.
Due to important bug fixes, the AI is expected to create clearer firing lines and flank more often.
- Fixed bugs with auto-separation of units which could be unstable when fast forwarding the game.
- Fixed Combined Division not recording kills.
- Fixed bug that made Army Details on Deployment Map to not scroll.
- Fixed bug that did not allow some medals to be awarded.
- Fixed bug of duplicate awarded medal.
- Fixed bug of unit name not changing when switching officers. This happened for reward units and the fix will be eligible on new campaigns.
- Fixed Custom Battles' bug that caused AI opponent armies to have much smaller size than intended.
- Fixed a few text issues.
- Updated Guide to include info for "Intelligence Service" (See: Chapter "Army Management").
- Added the Game Credits.
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The Game-Labs Team