My modding work
/I always liked strategy games that offered challenge, deep gameplay and the ability to control thousands of troops and not a handful of units. DarthMod became one of the most popular mods for Total War games because of these basic ideas I tried to implement into the gameplay philosophy. In case you never heard about my Mods, here is the brief description.
What is DarthMod?
DarthMod Empire has around 750.000 cumulative downloads.
It is one of the oldest mod series that followed and enhanced Total War games from 2005 till early 2013. DarthMod became one of the most popular mods for Total War games because of the vast gameplay improvements, the increased battle realism and challenge as well as the original techniques that improve the AI opponent's effectiveness. Furthermore, it is the only mod that was dedicated to Total War games for 9 consecutive years offering versions for every new Total War game.
Its first well known version was for Rome: Total War although there were some small gameplay mods created for the previous games Shogun: Total War and Medieval: Total War that were not shared publicly. All the latest DarthMods come with simple installers as well as powerful launcher programs that help to choose multiple gameplay options or to enable a collection of the best mods of the community which improve graphics, sounds and effects, include more maps and campaigns and add a lot of units.
It is very important to emphasize that DarthMod series is not entirely a personal achievement because many graphics, sounds and other mod components are products of other modders with whom we have collaborated passionately to offer the best gameplay experience for the Total War fans. Every modder who has participated in the project is mentioned with honor to the credits of each DarthMod.
The most recent download statistics of DarthMod series are summarized below as measured from main download sites (There are additional unknown torrent downloads).
DarthMod Empire
More than 731.500 cumulative downloads from 22/3/2009 to 22/5/2013.
DarthMod Empire v8.0 Platinum
(released 16/9/2012) was the largest project. Uncompressed it is 13GB and got
approximately 22.000 unique downloads in its first 3 days of release.
DarthMod: Shogun II
More than 350.400 cumulative downloads from 25/3/2011 to 22/5/2013.
DarthMod Napoleon
More than 139.800 cumulative downloads from 02/12/2011 to 22/5/2013.
DarthMod Rome
Approximately 75.000 unique downloads from 2006 to 13/11/2012 and additional
41.700+ downloads from 13/11/2012 to 22/5/2013.
You can find full information for every DarthMod in the biggest fansite for Total War games at (from there you can get an old
DarthMod for Medieval II: Total War that has got 172.500+ unique downloads from 16/9/2007
till 22/5/2013 and is pending to be updated whenever I find free time).
I am indebted to the fans for the support they have given me all this time so despite the fact that I am practically retired from modding I occasionally visit the DarthMod forums and sites to offer any help I can or even an urgent update for my mods, if it is required.
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